Is Worry Getting In the Way of Your Abundance?

A client asked me to create a tap-along video for her to take her from worrying about money to feeling confident that plenty is already on its way.

Watch the video to hear more.

If you’re into Law of Attraction (as my client is), you know that worrying about something can slow down the arrival of what you want. So it takes longer to bring in the money you’re hoping for.

Worse, your worry may actually make that thing you’re worried about happen.

That means worrying about not having enough money may lead to not having enough money.

So by all means stop worrying about it!

But even if you’re not buying this manifesting-what-you-want-or-don’t-want-by-how-you-feel malarkey (as critics might say), there are still a couple of really good reasons to let go of any worrying about finances you’re doing. Especially if you’re a business owner.

First, that worry will pull your focus and energy off of actions that will bring in the cash. That can definitely slow down your income. (A bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy there.)

Second, worrying makes you less…attractive…to potential clients and customers.

Think about it. When you see someone under a cloud of worry, does that inspire confidence in you? Do you want to work with them? Buy from them?

Didn’t think so.

So when you’re worrying, you’re not showing up at your best, and probably costing yourself some money that way.

What’s the answer?


Stop worrying about money.

Maybe that doesn’t sound so easy when the bills are piling up. But you can do it with some Tapping.

Here’s a pattern I often use to lower clients’ money worries: start tapping while saying all the things you’re worried about.

Not selling enough programs. Not being able to pay your team. Having to go live under a bridge. That sort of thing.

Then (still tapping) remind yourself of all the times you’ve gotten out of difficult situations. All the times money has shown up when you needed it. How you survived even when it didn’t. (You must have, right? You’re still standing!)

At this point clients often get a feeling that God/Goddess/the Universe/their Higher Selves are looking out for them. Even when money is tight.

Tap on that, too.

Tapping in this pattern gets Worry to loosen up so you can put your focus and energy on things you can do that are muuuuuuch more productive than biting your nails.

If you’d like some help lowering your own worries—whether about money or about something else—so you can grow your business, just email me. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and if tapping can help.

Happy Tapping!


Two Steps If You’re Overwhelmed by the News Now

A friend of mine was telling me about how overwhelmed she is by what’s going on in the Ukraine now. She’s got big reasons to be upset—her company has most of its operations based in that country, and she’s working hard to get all of her people to safety.

It got me thinking about what you can do to lower your stress over what is happening there, whether or not you are directly affected by the war that is happening right now.

So I shot this video of two simple steps to take right away.

See what you can do right now to feel better

Turn off the news as much as you can—entirely if you’re really feeling triggered. My friend can’t do that, but if you’re not directly affected, you can.

If you feel guilty doing this while others are suffering, look for reputable organizations to donate to. One of my favorites is Doctors Without Borders:

Donating to a cause like that will have a much more positive impact than just ratcheting up your stress by spending a lot of time reading the news.

Do the Zip Up regularly to shield yourself from all the emotional gunk swirling around. I teach the Zip Up to people who are strongly impacted by others’ energy and encourage them to use it at least daily. However, in times like these I notice a lot more people (including me) are feeling the negative energy around them too. To see how it’s done, watch the video.

Sending you love and light, and prayers for peace to all those affected by this war.


Let’s Tap About the Heat!

We broke heat records a couple of weeks ago in Seattle—three days of triple-digit highs in a row.

It was even worse in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, BC. Extremely unusual in the Pacific Northwest, where most people don’t have air conditioning in their homes.

As our world heats up, we’ll see more of these blast-furnace days all over the world.

To help you with any extra-hot days you have in the next few months, I did some freeform tapping. It will help you lower any emotional reactions you might have to heat like this.

Tap along with this video to feel better in excess heat and to see what freeform tapping is like:

There’s research out there that shows we can tolerate more pain if our emotional state is better, less if it’s worse.

So we might as well feel better so we can feel better, if you know what I mean.

Please try some freeform tapping for excess heat or anything else that has you feeling uncomfortable. Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


The Non-Negotiable That Totally Upgraded My Business

What are your non-negotiables? Those actions you are committed to, no matter what?

Let me tell you about one of mine that’s made a huge difference—every four weeks I take a week of CEO time.

That means no individual client sessions. No groups. No calls with potential clients.

Instead, I spend time on the big projects I can’t get to in between client calls.

This time has made a huuuuuge difference.

Now I actually get important things done that I used to keep putting off. Things that will lead to significant growth in my business. Systems that will get my time back.

There’s also time to focus on strategy, planning, and vision.

Watch the video to find out more about what a CEO Week can do for you:

When taking a week for CEO time was first suggested to me, it sounded impossible. I had to go out six weeks to be able to block off a week. Even then, I let a few non-CEO things in.

And I was only able to get myself to do it by telling myself it was just a one-time experiment.

It was amazing. I rested. I finished up projects that had been on my To Do list for months. I had creative ideas.

I got excited about my business again.

So I scheduled the next CEO Week. And the next.

Finally, I realized that my CEO Week was important not only for my sanity but also for my business. So I made it a non-negotiable.

Actually, my CEO Week got established much quicker than I thought it would. I just had to make the decision.

Today I want to inspire you to create your own standards. Your own non-negotiables.

This is your business. You are either creating it on purpose or by accident.

You create your business “on purpose” when you have non-negotiables, like setting aside CEO time.

It happens “by accident” when you allow others to carve up your schedule with their own priorities.

CEO Weeks let me create a business and life that leads to more freedom and fulfillment. That supports me so I can show up completely for my clients.

I’d like to help you create that for yourself, too. It will look different from mine, but it will be supportive and right for you.

So . . .

What do you dream of? What are the non-negotiables you want to incorporate into your business in the next 6 months.

  • CEO Week? (Or a CEO day every week?)
  • 4-day workweeks?
  • No more than 3 clients on your schedule per day?
  • Turning off the phone and computer after 5 pm and over weekends?

If you’re not already doing that, what’s getting in the way? Have you tried just making the decision and making it happen?

Tell me the non-negotiables you currently have or dream of having and what’s been getting in the way.

Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


Why You’re Procrastinating Now

If you’re procrastinating—or procrastinating more—these days, there are reasons.

I talked about those reasons in this week’s Facebook Live:

(Please be kind about my hair. This is what it does when it doesn’t get cut in waaaaaaaay too long.)

First, stress is taking a toll on everyone right now. And the energy you use to deal with your stress gets taken away from the actions you would like to be doing now, whether that’s creating an online program, cleaning out a closet, or learning a new language. Understanding this dynamic can help you take some of the pressure off yourself.

Beyond that, more than the usual amount of stress in your life “raises the bar” so that the usual ways you use to get around your procrastination simply are no longer enough.

So, if you haven’t completely gotten rid of the subconscious blocks that lead you to procrastinate (which is what I do with clients), they will definitely be more powerful now.

For these reasons, I encourage you to give yourself grace during extra stressful times like these when you aren’t getting as much done.

Also, try tapping along with the 1st of the 3 free videos you get for signing up for my newsletter. (If you haven’t done so already, get the 3-video series How to Stop Procrastinating Without Having to Push Yourself So Hard here.)

Tap Along Video for Pandemic Stress

Here’s a tap-along video based on the group tapping we did in my first Tapping Circle for Pandemic Stress. It touches on a lot of what we’re all dealing with these days.

Tap along to get started releasing some of the stress and overwhelm you’re experiencing. Then come to my Tapping Circle to go deeper to release stress and overwhelm caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It’s free to anyone over 18.

You can get more details on the Tapping Circle, including how to attend it online, at

That page includes two videos: one teaches the mechanics of tapping and contains a tap-along for basic stress; the other shows you the Zip Up, an easy move to use now to avoid getting overwhelmed by the energy of everyone around you.

Use the Zip Up and some basic tapping now, then come for as many circles as you can. See you there!

4 Things To Do Now To Lower Your Pandemic Stress

The news is alarming, I know. Wherever you are, know that I am sending thoughts and prayers for the health and safety of you and your loved ones. I also want to send you something more concrete to help you in these times.

I don’t know about you, but I spent last week freaking out as all the changes I’d been hearing about around the world went from distant to my backyard. First the Seattle public schools closed, sending my almost-thirteen-year-old home for two weeks. The next day we heard schools would be closed for at least six weeks. Then the libraries closed. Then all the cafes and restaurants. Each change shrunk my world a bit more.

Now, I understand the need to close these spaces and am more than happy to do my part to slow the spread of the disease, keep my neighbors safe, and limit the impact on our medical communities. But last week I found myself scattered, spending a lot of time on Google News, unable to focus on most things.

The one thing I was able to focus on was my clients, who were also struggling with the changes brought on by this pandemic. Many are business owners who were worried, unable to think of how to keep their businesses afloat. So we tapped on what they were experiencing, lowering their stress so they could access their creativity and find ways to get their businesses back on track.

By Friday, I realized I also needed to lower my own stress levels so I could stop procrastinating and take action in my business. Which I did by Tapping, which is a great stress reliever—when I remember to use it on myself! I also realized that it was important to share tapping with you in whatever ways I can.

So if you are finding your stress levels going up, whether you are a business owner or not, here are some things you can do now to help you lower your stress.

  1. Watch this recording of a Facebook Live I did last week right before everything in Seattle started shutting down. In it I demonstrate two straightforward ways to tap to lower any stress you are feeling from the current situation (as well as some non-tapping actions you can take).
  1. Watch this second recording from a Facebook Live I recorded this week after I had worked with some clients and tapped down my own stress. You’ll not only see how to do an even simpler third way of tapping for stress, you’ll hear exactly why it’s important to be tapping every day, given what’s going on, to prevent future problems.
  1. If you want more, Gene Monterastelli has collected a list of tap-along articles and recordings that Tapping Practitioners around the world are giving away. Here’s that link: (thanks, Gene).
  1. Finally, attend my Virtual Tapping Circle (which will be delivered via Zoom). I’m opening it up for all comers—no-charge! We’ll tap together on what people are experiencing (emotionally, mentally, economically) in the midst of this pandemic to lower our stress starting Friday, March 27th, from 8:30 am to 10 am Pacific time (which is 11:30 am-1 pm East Coast time) and meeting Fridays through April 17th. I’ll have more details next week, but I wanted you to clear your calendars now for as many of the Circles as you can attend. Tapping together can be more powerful than tapping alone.

So—right now—try out the resources listed above, and mark your calendar for Virtual Circles at 8:30 am-10 am PDT (11:30 am-1 pm EDT) on the four Fridays starting March 27th.

Please share this post with anyone you think could benefit from these resources. We all need a little extra help now.

Stay safe.

When Brain Fog Descends

Here’s a fun way procrastination can show up:

  • You can’t think clearly,
  • You feel like you’re head is full of fluffy cotton,
  • You’re brain seems like it is set on “slow,”
  • Brain fog.

You know that feeling like you just can’t think, can’t make decisions, can’t get anything done? It’s actually a solution.

Watch the video to find out how brain fog can possibly be a solution to anything—and what to do if it’s not the solution you want anymore.

When you’re ready to clear away your brain fog, stop procrastinating, and create the life you are meant to live, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

Procrastinating Because You’re Nervous? Use Buddha Hands.

If you procrastinate doing something because you know you’ll get anxious, try Buddha Hands.

This technique uses subtle tapping points. You can use it in any situation where you might get nervous, like

  • In an interview
  • Giving a speech, or
  • Going on a blind date.

No one will notice. And it will lower your anxiety right there. Watch the video to see how to do it.

If you want to stop procrastinating once and for all and start living the life you are meant to, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

Stop Procrastinating. Go Out and Play!

As kids we’re all taught to get our work done first before . . .
• playing with friends
• watching TV
• having dessert
• really, doing anything fun.
It’s called delayed gratification, and it’s not only a sign of maturity, it’s a skill that’s essential to accomplishing most anything that is important in life.

Most of us have learned to use this approach as an incentive to get ourselves to finish those things we would rather avoid. It makes sense. But, when taken too far, it can actually cause us to procrastinate.

This happened to a client of mine who had been trying very hard to be a good, mature adult who did her chores before going out to play. It backfired and ended up causing her to procrastinate on the very thing she was trying to get herself motivated to do.

Watch the video to see why that happened and how to know when you should chuck delayed gratification in the trash and just Go Out and Play!

If you would like some help figuring out what’s causing your procrastination, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.