Watch Sara Flip “It’s Lonely at the Top” to “It’s a Party at the Top!”

Sara was triggered by the old adage “It’s lonely at the top.” And it was taking energy away from upleveling her team and the international launch of her third book (the one I’m a featured expert in).

Watch a session with someone who has already done a lot of Tapping.

Sara Connell is a published author and the owner of a seven-figure business empowering leaders to become bestselling authors and in-demand speakers.

In less than 16 minutes of Tapping, Sara—who has a lot of experience with Tapping—went from feeling triggered by “It’s lonely at the top” to being excited knowing that “It’s a party at the top!”

This is how fast change can happen with Tapping, especially for an existing client who has already done a lot of internal work.

This is the second in a series of short sessions I’ve recorded with women entrepreneurs in different fields and on different issues to share with you. In them, you get to see various ways I use Tapping to release subconscious success blocks.

Feel free to tap along with the recordings. That can be a way to release similar blocks of your own.

To explore releasing your own subconscious success blocks with me, just send me an email. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and see if there’s a fit with the Tapping I do.

Happy Tapping!


It’s Launch Day—With Gifts!

It’s launch day for The Science of Getting Rich—For Women!

I’m excited to be featured as one of the experts on releasing subconscious blocks in this new book—and for this catalyst for your financial freedom and empowerment.

Last Thursday the ebook hit #1 best seller on Amazon, and it’s already making ripple effects of positive change for women around the world.

In the book you’ll hear from author Sara Connell and twenty-five other self-made women millionaires on how they went from nothing to making their millions and exactly how you can manifest your dreams and goals too.

The book launches today—Tuesday, June 14—and when you buy it on Amazon you’ll get these exclusive launch day thank you gifts from Sara:

  • A ticket to the live Zoom launch day party today (again, Tuesday June 14th). They’ll have speakers, you’ll learn new strategies and learn how to launch a best selling book.
  • A new 7 Days of Riches training, where every day for seven days you’ll get an abundance-creation process for generating more abundance ASAP. Sara is the Queen of calling in abundance!

Plus Sara is donating launch profits to United Nations Women—a wonderful cause

Here’s what you do today to get your special gifts:

  1. Click here to get The Science of Getting Rich—For Women by Sara Connell
  2. Snap a picture or screenshot of your receipt/purchase and email it to to unlock your thank you gifts to you & zoom link to the PARTY!

The pandemic cost women $800 billion globally, but we don’t have to resign ourselves to it.

Instead, we can use this setback as a setup to not only make up that lost $800 billion, but go WAY beyond it!

Start by getting this book and putting it into action.

The world needs YOU to have more abundance, so you can do more of what you love and make more of a difference!


Get The Science of Getting Rich for Women FREE today only! (I’m featured in the book)

I’m so excited to be featured as one of three experts in changing your subconscious in Sara Connell’s awesome new book, The Science of Getting Rich for Women. Today only you can get it for FREE here.

In the book, you’ll learn the actions, strategies, and mindsets of 25 self-made women millionaires and exactly how YOU get to be next.

Even better, for every free book downloaded, a donation will be made to United Nations Women to help women around the world make a needed comeback after the pandemic setback!

Even, even better, today only (June 9, 2022) during the hour starting 11:00 AM Eastern/10:00 AM Central/9:00 AM Mountain/8:00 AM Pacific, a DOUBLE donation will be given to UN Women for every book downloaded. So please share with friends and family now!

I’m FIRED UP for you to have a success breakthrough with this book and to create miracles for women around the world while you do it!

Happy Tapping!

Is Worry Getting In the Way of Your Abundance?

A client asked me to create a tap-along video for her to take her from worrying about money to feeling confident that plenty is already on its way.

Watch the video to hear more.

If you’re into Law of Attraction (as my client is), you know that worrying about something can slow down the arrival of what you want. So it takes longer to bring in the money you’re hoping for.

Worse, your worry may actually make that thing you’re worried about happen.

That means worrying about not having enough money may lead to not having enough money.

So by all means stop worrying about it!

But even if you’re not buying this manifesting-what-you-want-or-don’t-want-by-how-you-feel malarkey (as critics might say), there are still a couple of really good reasons to let go of any worrying about finances you’re doing. Especially if you’re a business owner.

First, that worry will pull your focus and energy off of actions that will bring in the cash. That can definitely slow down your income. (A bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy there.)

Second, worrying makes you less…attractive…to potential clients and customers.

Think about it. When you see someone under a cloud of worry, does that inspire confidence in you? Do you want to work with them? Buy from them?

Didn’t think so.

So when you’re worrying, you’re not showing up at your best, and probably costing yourself some money that way.

What’s the answer?


Stop worrying about money.

Maybe that doesn’t sound so easy when the bills are piling up. But you can do it with some Tapping.

Here’s a pattern I often use to lower clients’ money worries: start tapping while saying all the things you’re worried about.

Not selling enough programs. Not being able to pay your team. Having to go live under a bridge. That sort of thing.

Then (still tapping) remind yourself of all the times you’ve gotten out of difficult situations. All the times money has shown up when you needed it. How you survived even when it didn’t. (You must have, right? You’re still standing!)

At this point clients often get a feeling that God/Goddess/the Universe/their Higher Selves are looking out for them. Even when money is tight.

Tap on that, too.

Tapping in this pattern gets Worry to loosen up so you can put your focus and energy on things you can do that are muuuuuuch more productive than biting your nails.

If you’d like some help lowering your own worries—whether about money or about something else—so you can grow your business, just email me. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and if tapping can help.

Happy Tapping!


Can You Bring Up Personal Issues With Your Business Coach?

Ever wonder if you’re allowed to bring up a personal issue with your business coach?

I suppose it depends on the coach, but in my work with business owners I’m convinced that it’s essential to work through personal stuff.

This topic came up recently while I was a guest on Lisa Arnold’s podcast.

Watch the video to hear more.

I always offer hosts a mini-session with me to experience what I do before we record the interview. Lisa decided to do her session as part of the podcast. (Gutsy!)

When I asked what she wanted to work on, up came a personal issue she hadn’t planned to address. We tapped, and she got a lot of relief and clarity.

Lisa was surprised that someone who works with business owners was willing to tap on a personal issue. In Lisa’s experience, business coaches work with clients’ business issues while life coaches work with clients’ personal issues. So what was I doing combining the two?!

As I explained, a business owner IS her business. If she is struggling with something in her personal life, it’s going to affect her business.

So any business coach who is unwilling or unable to help a client with their personal difficulties is not going to be very effective when life inevitably gets in the way of business-as-usual.

Particularly when they’re working with women business owners who have to juggle so much to keep their businesses and their family/spouse/friends/health/life running smoothly.

The bottom line here is: If your business coach draws a hard line between personal and business with you, consider whether that really is a good fit for you.

If it is, great.

If not, consider looking for someone who can work with both.

And if you’d like to explore whether working with me would be a good fit for you and your business, just hit reply. We’ll set up a time to talk.

I’ll let you know when Lisa’s podcast goes public so you can hear our conversation—and see me do some actual EFT.

In the meantime…

Happy Tapping!


Do You Have an Itty Bitty S—— Committee?

“Ivy” came to me to get rid of her Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.

Her fractional CFO business was doing fine, but knew she could do much more if she didn’t have to spend time dealing with the negative messages in her head whenever she thought about growing it.

Her Itty Bitty Shitty Committee told her she was wasting her time creating a new program—no one would want it. Even though clients had been asking for it.

It tried to convince her she really wasn’t good enough to have a successful business. Even though she already had one.

It scoffed at her goals to work with bigger companies as “totally unrealistic.” Even though her contacts in those companies had invited her to send them proposals.

Her committee was so loud, she found herself spending a lot of time going out in nature, just to get a break.

Sound familiar?

Here’s how we got rid of Ivy’s Itty Bitty Shitty Committee:

Itty Bitty Shitty Committees slow down and stop a lot of women entrepreneurs from things like—

  • Starting a business.
  • Offering a new product.
  • Marketing their business
  • Asking for more money.

Even really successful women have Itty Bitty Shitty Committees. I know because I’ve worked with many of them—just like Ivy.

Using Tapping, Ivy gave her Committee the pink slip.

When she’d sent those negative voices packing, it was blessedly quiet in her head.

She could finally grow her business the way she wanted, without all the back-talk.

If you have a Committee of your own shouting you down whenever you try to move forward, I have something for you.

I made a tap-along video to help you fire your own Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.

Go to the quiz to find out where your Committee is causing you the most trouble. Or you can skip the quiz and go straight to the videos.

Tap along with the Mindset Video to see yourself as capable of—and deserving—bigger success. And fire your Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.

Then you won’t have to manage those negative messages from your own Committee.

So go ahead. Give your Itty Bitty Shitty Committee the pink slip!

Until next time…

Happy Tapping!


Here’s the Best Advice I Have For Business Owners

Someone asked me what’s the best advice I can give to a business owner.

It didn’t take me long to answer. It’s the advice I wish someone had given me so I wouldn’t have spent years wondering why I wasn’t making any headway with my business.

Here it is: Fix your subconscious before you try to do anything else.

Here’s why you want to change your subconscious first.

I’ve seen it over and over again—someone shells out a huge amount of money for a program that promises to teach them how to grow their business.

Then, a few weeks—or even days—in, they realize they’re stuck.

There’s nothing wrong with the program. It’s just that they’re not following through on it.

  • Not taking a specific action the program calls for,
  • Or “pulling their punch” by doing what they’re supposed to, but doing it poorly,
  • Or procrastinating in general, doing everything but the program they paid so much for.

They’re perfectly capable of following through on the program. They’re just not doing it. Or doing it slooooooowly.


Something in their subconscious got triggered.

So they’re out all that time and money with little to show for it.

But when they get rid of what is in the way first, they follow through on what will get them the business they want. Easily.

(Even entrepreneurs who seem to have it all together struggle with this. I know because I’ve worked with some. They come in doing well, but knowing they could do better. Once we start releasing subconscious blocks they start hitting their bigger goals.)

If any of this sounds like you, I want you to know it doesn’t mean you’re a bad business owner.

It doesn’t mean you’re broken.

It doesn’t mean the Universe is trying to give you a message that you’re not meant for that kind of success.

It just means you have something in your subconscious that has been getting triggered when you go after your goals. And you can change that.

Please find a way to clear out your subconscious.

Whether with me or with someone else.

Whether through Tapping or another modality.

Change your subconscious.

Do it before you spend a lot of time and money on something you can’t bring yourself to follow through on.

The world needs you to step up in a bigger way but…

You can’t do that when your subconscious is holding you back.

(By the way, in the video I talk about the next MVP Club for women leaders who know they’re meant for more. I’m afraid it’s all sold out now. But there’ll be another one—promise. I’ll tell you more in a bit.)

Until next time…

Happy Tapping!


What Caused Your Subconscious Success Block?

When you realize that there’s something inside of you holding you and your business back, it can be totally frustrating.

You can also start blaming yourself.

Please don’t!

It’s just a subconscious success block that you internalized without realizing it that’s been getting in your way.

A subconscious success block is a message or rule in your subconscious that is sabotaging your conscious plans for your business.

Everyone has internalized rules and beliefs in their subconscious. Some are actually helpful, like don’t walk alone down dark alleys; some…not so much.

But how do those success blocks get into your subconscious in the first place?

You can usually trace them back to old programming that came from—

  • Explicit messages spoken to or around you,
  • Implicit messages from what you observed,
  • Decisions you made from experiences you had.

I describe several subconscious success blocks and where they came from in the video:

Often they come from messages and observations in childhood.

Sometimes they are internalized warnings from something powerful that happened in adulthood.

Sometimes these messages were internalized from religion, the media, or the community around you.

But no matter where they come from, no amount of willpower, or logic, can fully get beyond these once they’re in your subconscious.

They will at least take energy to push past. Energy you could use for something better.

If you don’t want to be slowed down or stopped by your own subconscious, you need to dig those blocks up and release them.

That’s what I do both with my one-on-one clients and in my MVP Clubs—small groups of women leaders who know they’re meant for more where we identify and tap to release blocks in the areas of Mindset, Visibility, and Profitability.

(By the way, in the video I talk about the next MVP Club. I’m afraid it’s all sold out now. But there’ll be another one—promise. I’ll tell you more in a bit.)

So if you realize that you’re holding your business back, look for the subconscious blocks getting in your way and release them.

To get some help with that, just reach out. We’ll talk about what’s going on with you, what’s getting in your way, and if Tapping is a fit.

Happy Tapping!


The Secret Ingredient Every Woman Entrepreneur Needs

There’s one thing every woman entrepreneur needs to grow her business and reach her potential.

To really succeed, we need a supportive group of other women business owners.

Why? Well, three reasons:

  1. You’ll fast forward your growth. The women in the group know the things you don’t even know you don’t know, and they share resources and can answer your questions quickly.
  2. Being around other women business owners who are growing expands your thinking. You start to realize you can do a whole lot more.
  3. Finally, it’s lonely being a business owner. Other women business owners will encourage you to keep going when your latest launch falls flat and cheer you on when you have your best month ever.

Turns out my MVP Clubs give exactly that kind of support to each other.

It wasn’t what I had in mind when I created them. The plan was only that an MVP Club would—

  • Be a place for women to release blocks in the three areas women leaders often hold themselves back subconsciously, and
  • Help members uncover and release blocks they didn’t know they had by tapping along with others in the group.

That’s what I expected to happen, and it has. Much more than I expected.

But what has also happened—every time I’ve run a group—is that the women become incredibly supportive of each other.

There is amazing power in this. Everyone feels accepted and knows that they’re not the only one struggling with tough issues.

And everyone gets encouragement to do much more than they ever thought they could.

Which leads to big growth.

You can find out more about the MVP Club at

So if you’re a woman entrepreneur and haven’t joined a group like this yet, please find one that can give you that kind of emotional support, share resources you need, show you what’s possible, and cheer you on as you grow—whether that’s the MVP Club or another group of positive, supportive women leaders.

And if the MVP Club is calling to you, I’m starting a new one.

Just reach out. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s holding you back and see if the MVP Club is a fit.

Hope I hear from you soon

Happy Tapping!


Not Visible Enough? Blame the Patriarchy!

Old patriarchal rules have been showing up in my MVP clients’ subconscious, mucking up their Visibility.

How? Let me ‘splain.

In the MVP Framework I use, Visibility (the “V” in MVP) is about getting in front of a bigger audience, whether through your writing, videos, in-person speaking, or any way you reach the people you’re here for.

Patriarchal muck limiting our Visibility has seeped deep into the subconscious of many women. Even the most successful ones!

Watch to get details on some of the worst patriarchal rules for visibility and where they can come from.

This old patriarchal slime can show up in a number of ways, perhaps sounding like “No one wants to hear what I have to say.

If you catch yourself muttering something like that to yourself, you might have internalized this slam to your ego when:

  • Your raised hand was passed over at school in favor of a boy’s. Over and over again.
  • Or you were regularly talked over at work.
  • Or your ideas were ignored until a male colleague put them forward as his own, when suddenly they were accepted by the boss as pure brilliance.
  • Or maybe, like many of us, your mother gave you the message to not speak up or stand out. She probably did it to keep you safe, but still .…

And even though the crud no longer serves you (if it ever did), there it is in your subconscious, getting triggered whenever you risk being seen in a much bigger way.

Another old bit of patriarchal sludge a lot of women have is “It’s not safe to be seen.

One client had a nasty example of this.

She’s amazing and has something big to get out in the world, something that’s going to change lives.

But she was dragging her feet getting her program out there.

When we went digging for reasons why, up popped a co-worker from an early job.

This jack@$$ made crude comments about her. Followed her around, leering at her. Acted as if he had a right to treat her any way he wanted.

Ever since then, her subconscious has made her hesitant to stand out. To speak up. To be noticed.

It was afraid she’d attract another jerk.

(Just so you know, this has happened to quite a few of my clients. And friends. And relations. Sigh.)

So in one session we tapped on that experience. Now she’s marketing with enthusiasm, excited about all the attention she’s going to get when she gets her program out in the world.

Does any of this sound like you? Do you find yourself reluctant to get out there and be seen in a bigger way?

Maybe it really IS the patriarchy!

And it’s time to change it.

Hit “Reply.” Let’s set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and how we might change it.

Happy Tapping!
