Is Worry Getting In the Way of Your Abundance?

A client asked me to create a tap-along video for her to take her from worrying about money to feeling confident that plenty is already on its way.

Watch the video to hear more.

If you’re into Law of Attraction (as my client is), you know that worrying about something can slow down the arrival of what you want. So it takes longer to bring in the money you’re hoping for.

Worse, your worry may actually make that thing you’re worried about happen.

That means worrying about not having enough money may lead to not having enough money.

So by all means stop worrying about it!

But even if you’re not buying this manifesting-what-you-want-or-don’t-want-by-how-you-feel malarkey (as critics might say), there are still a couple of really good reasons to let go of any worrying about finances you’re doing. Especially if you’re a business owner.

First, that worry will pull your focus and energy off of actions that will bring in the cash. That can definitely slow down your income. (A bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy there.)

Second, worrying makes you less…attractive…to potential clients and customers.

Think about it. When you see someone under a cloud of worry, does that inspire confidence in you? Do you want to work with them? Buy from them?

Didn’t think so.

So when you’re worrying, you’re not showing up at your best, and probably costing yourself some money that way.

What’s the answer?


Stop worrying about money.

Maybe that doesn’t sound so easy when the bills are piling up. But you can do it with some Tapping.

Here’s a pattern I often use to lower clients’ money worries: start tapping while saying all the things you’re worried about.

Not selling enough programs. Not being able to pay your team. Having to go live under a bridge. That sort of thing.

Then (still tapping) remind yourself of all the times you’ve gotten out of difficult situations. All the times money has shown up when you needed it. How you survived even when it didn’t. (You must have, right? You’re still standing!)

At this point clients often get a feeling that God/Goddess/the Universe/their Higher Selves are looking out for them. Even when money is tight.

Tap on that, too.

Tapping in this pattern gets Worry to loosen up so you can put your focus and energy on things you can do that are muuuuuuch more productive than biting your nails.

If you’d like some help lowering your own worries—whether about money or about something else—so you can grow your business, just email me. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and if tapping can help.

Happy Tapping!


Can You Bring Up Personal Issues With Your Business Coach?

Ever wonder if you’re allowed to bring up a personal issue with your business coach?

I suppose it depends on the coach, but in my work with business owners I’m convinced that it’s essential to work through personal stuff.

This topic came up recently while I was a guest on Lisa Arnold’s podcast.

Watch the video to hear more.

I always offer hosts a mini-session with me to experience what I do before we record the interview. Lisa decided to do her session as part of the podcast. (Gutsy!)

When I asked what she wanted to work on, up came a personal issue she hadn’t planned to address. We tapped, and she got a lot of relief and clarity.

Lisa was surprised that someone who works with business owners was willing to tap on a personal issue. In Lisa’s experience, business coaches work with clients’ business issues while life coaches work with clients’ personal issues. So what was I doing combining the two?!

As I explained, a business owner IS her business. If she is struggling with something in her personal life, it’s going to affect her business.

So any business coach who is unwilling or unable to help a client with their personal difficulties is not going to be very effective when life inevitably gets in the way of business-as-usual.

Particularly when they’re working with women business owners who have to juggle so much to keep their businesses and their family/spouse/friends/health/life running smoothly.

The bottom line here is: If your business coach draws a hard line between personal and business with you, consider whether that really is a good fit for you.

If it is, great.

If not, consider looking for someone who can work with both.

And if you’d like to explore whether working with me would be a good fit for you and your business, just hit reply. We’ll set up a time to talk.

I’ll let you know when Lisa’s podcast goes public so you can hear our conversation—and see me do some actual EFT.

In the meantime…

Happy Tapping!


The Non-Negotiable That Totally Upgraded My Business

What are your non-negotiables? Those actions you are committed to, no matter what?

Let me tell you about one of mine that’s made a huge difference—every four weeks I take a week of CEO time.

That means no individual client sessions. No groups. No calls with potential clients.

Instead, I spend time on the big projects I can’t get to in between client calls.

This time has made a huuuuuge difference.

Now I actually get important things done that I used to keep putting off. Things that will lead to significant growth in my business. Systems that will get my time back.

There’s also time to focus on strategy, planning, and vision.

Watch the video to find out more about what a CEO Week can do for you:

When taking a week for CEO time was first suggested to me, it sounded impossible. I had to go out six weeks to be able to block off a week. Even then, I let a few non-CEO things in.

And I was only able to get myself to do it by telling myself it was just a one-time experiment.

It was amazing. I rested. I finished up projects that had been on my To Do list for months. I had creative ideas.

I got excited about my business again.

So I scheduled the next CEO Week. And the next.

Finally, I realized that my CEO Week was important not only for my sanity but also for my business. So I made it a non-negotiable.

Actually, my CEO Week got established much quicker than I thought it would. I just had to make the decision.

Today I want to inspire you to create your own standards. Your own non-negotiables.

This is your business. You are either creating it on purpose or by accident.

You create your business “on purpose” when you have non-negotiables, like setting aside CEO time.

It happens “by accident” when you allow others to carve up your schedule with their own priorities.

CEO Weeks let me create a business and life that leads to more freedom and fulfillment. That supports me so I can show up completely for my clients.

I’d like to help you create that for yourself, too. It will look different from mine, but it will be supportive and right for you.

So . . .

What do you dream of? What are the non-negotiables you want to incorporate into your business in the next 6 months.

  • CEO Week? (Or a CEO day every week?)
  • 4-day workweeks?
  • No more than 3 clients on your schedule per day?
  • Turning off the phone and computer after 5 pm and over weekends?

If you’re not already doing that, what’s getting in the way? Have you tried just making the decision and making it happen?

Tell me the non-negotiables you currently have or dream of having and what’s been getting in the way.

Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


What Does Success Look Like For You?

How do you define success?

As one of my clients reminded me, it’s important to get clear on what success means to you. Otherwise, you’re going to be chasing somebody else’s dream, not following your own.

Here’s how she turned her back on the conventional view of success, and the two questions that can help you define it for yourself:

So don’t just listen to the next “guru” who says—

You need to make a certain amount each month to be successful.

Or build a following of tens of thousands of people on FB.

Or write a book.

Or launch an online program.

Or anything else.

Get clear on what “success” looks like for you.

What you truly want.

To figure that out, ask yourself two questions:

What do you want your life to look like? Do you want to speak to thousands around the world? Make a ton of money? Work less and spend more time with family? Or something else?

What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Do you want to set your family up financially to follow their dreams? Train a small group in a method you’ve created so it lives on after you’re gone? Or . . .

Clients have come to me to release blocks to knowing what they want. Once a block was gone, they could go after what they wanted. (Their version of success.)

But let’s be clear—Tapping freed them up to know their own heart and mind.

I didn’t tell them what they wanted. Or how to be “successful.”

They decided for themselves.

You get to do that too.

So don’t let anyone else tell you what success is.

Not even me. 😉

I firmly believe that, the more you follow what calls to your own heart, the more of an impact you will have.

Whatever that impact is meant to be.

That’s how you become the leader you’re meant to be.

That’s the leader the world needs now.

And that’s true success.

I’d love to know what success looks like for you. Please shoot me a message or email me at Tell me what calls to your heart.

Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


What’s Causing Your Money Block?

Here’s a series of videos I recorded on Facebook Live about the top subconscious blocks that might be holding you back from having more money. There’s a lot of content here, so feel free to watch any that call to you. 

(And check out the four different ways my hair is responding to the new order of things. I think it’s protesting not getting cut!) 


  • In this video, you’ll hear about the two biggest subconscious messages I’ve found that have kept my clients (and me) from improving our financial situation.

  • Here’s one that sets out an extremely common way you can “inherit” a money block, an interesting way a business owner might inherit a money block from a family member, and a truly strange way a family can pass down a money block. (I’ve had all three.)

  • Then there’s the one about how a money block can lead to pain or illness. I let you in on the most likely subconscious money message that leads to your body getting in the way.

  • And in this one, see if you recognize a belief in yourself that making money is hard. If so, that will get in the way of creating the kind of financial situation that you want.

    (The subconscious message at play here is actually the same as the one in the previous video, but it shows up in a different way.)

These are some of the kinds of blocks I released in my Money Blocks Solution with EFT/Tapping last time I offered it. 

The Money Blocks Solution is starting up again this week with its new and improved name. (The Money Blocks BlockBuster Group is so 2019!)

So if you’re ready to release your own blocks to having and keeping the kind of money you want, help is here!

For more information go to

Or just reach out to me at We’ll set up a call at no charge to figure out what your money story is and see if the Money Blocks Solution is right for you.

Don’t wait too long, though. We start Friday, May 15th! And I won’t offer it again until fall.

You Have to Meet Julie!

If lack of self-confidence is keeping you from going after the life you want, you have to meet Julie. She’s a smart woman with a mission to change the world.

When she began working with me, Julie was just starting her business providing Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) to children on the Autism Spectrum and their families. RDI helps children on the spectrum form personal relationships, develop the ability to think flexibly and improve their quality of life.

Julie was just finishing intensive training to be certified in using RDI. She knew it worked. She knew she could improve the lives of children and their families enormously. But she wasn’t getting her business out into the world. She was questioning herself, afraid to ask for money, and allowing herself to be stopped by fear. She was holding herself back.

So we got to work. Now she is able to speak about what she does much more naturally, without the fear. She is making connections that will help her reach more people. And she has clients starting with her.

As we worked together, the changes in her were so noticeable they even turned her husband from a skeptic about this weird EFT stuff I do into a fan who was happy to take over childcare whenever she had a session with me!

Julie gives a lot of credit for all these changes to doing EFT/Tapping with me. In fact, I’ll toot my own horn here and quote Julie, who said: “You have to work with Nancy to get past the blocks that have been holding you back. I think where I am now would not be possible without my work with Nancy.”

Watch the video to hear from Julie herself.

I’m so impressed by Julie. She has worked so hard and is finally poised to make a huge difference for so many people. You Go Girl!

When you’re ready to stop procrastinating and create the life you are meant to live, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

When It’s Not Procrastination

Over the last two months I’ve only done things that were essential, like taking care of my eleven year old and meeting with current clients. I haven’t done much of anything else in my business like marketing, networking, or creating these videos, even though those things are very important to me. Instead, I’ve rested, puttered about, and cleaned up the kitchen.

But it wasn’t procrastination.

Watch the video to find out what it was, and when it’s right to step away from your To Do list entirely.

You’ll find there are times in life when you need to stop what you’re doing to celebrate, grieve, or put all your focus on an emergency. When that happens, don’t try to guilt yourself into working anyway. Just promise yourself you will get back to your goals when you’re ready. And be gentle on yourself until then.

Watch the video to find out more.

Of course, if you really are procrastinating and you’re ready to stop so you can create the life you are meant to live, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

What If Your Life Were Easy?

Over the past year I’ve noticed an interesting cause of procrastination in both my clients and myself.

Sometimes we procrastinate because it has become soooo hard to do something to reach a goal that we subconsciously decide it’s not worth trying.

And because we feel that it’s too hard to achieve our goal, we find ourselves putting off actions that could achieve that goal. Then we wonder why we’re procrastinating.

I’ve discovered a way to help both my clients and myself make things easier so we can reverse our procrastination. It’s a little woowoo, but it works!

Watch the video to find out the simple trick we’ve been using to make our goals—and even our lives—easier.

If you’re ready to stop struggling so hard to create the life you are meant to live, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

The Done List

Sometimes all it takes to break the logjam of procrastination is to stop using your To Do list.

Yes, it sounds crazy, but when I had my client replace her To Do list with this one action, she started having more energy and accomplishing a lot more of what she wanted to get done.

Watch the video to find out what I had my client do that really worked for her.

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Success; Change How You Think of Yourself

Today I want to give you a way to figure out whether your have a common block which can completely derail your progress. I’ll also give you a way to defuse it.

Although this block is common, it often manages to go unrecognized in most people since it only shows up when they start to make—and actually see—real progress towards their goals. That’s when it starts driving them to sabotage the progress they are making, which can be completely confusing as well as frustrating.

Why would anyone sabotage their own efforts just when they are starting to see some success?

tree trunkActually, it makes perfect sense that someone would sabotage themselves when they are starting to see improvement if the block they have is a fear of letting go of how they think of themselves. Take my client “Dominic,” an independent consultant who has a history of cycling back and forth between periods of expanding his client list and backing off from his business and letting it shrivel. He’s even been known to take a job in an entirely different field during a period where he is stepping away from his business. He truly loves what he does and wants to build a thriving practice, so we’ve been knocking down the internal blocks that get him off track.

After making some initial progress on his blocks, we decided to tackle his backlog of paperwork. Dominic had been letting his billing slide, which was doing a number on his cash flow. We made a plan, breaking down the project into several steps, then putting the steps on his calendar. We also made a plan for him get the billing done on a weekly basis going forward. What had seemed an insurmountable problem turned into something he could catch up on within a few days, then easily take care of after that. Dominic must have felt great, right?

Wrong. When I asked him how he was feeling, Dominic said with surprise in his voice that he was feeling “a little anxious.” As I asked more questions, he admitted that he didn’t know what it would be like to have his business running smoothly. He was a “flake.” Everybody knew that, including him. Who would he be when his business was thriving? He wouldn’t be that flake anymore. So who would he be?

Fear of losing…everything

When we have been holding a picture in our mind for a long time of who we are, anything that threatens to replace that picture can feel dangerous, even if on the surface we really want the change. It can seem to us, on some deeper level, that who we are will die if we change too much—even if we think the change is for the good. That’s extreme language, I know, but that’s how this block makes us feel. Then we will do anything, even sabotage what we want most in life, to avoid that frightening feeling.

Of course, we know that becoming more successful in our business or job will not make us die. But simply knowing that on an intellectual level does not change the emotional reaction we have to the “threat” to our self-image. And those emotions get triggered if we take a significant step towards change.

So if you notice that you start out full of good intentions on a new effort to move forward in your job or business, but pull back whenever you start to make progress, you may have this emotional block. If you have a pattern of doing something to screw up what had been off to a good start, you may have this block. Perhaps you just have a feeling that this might be a problem for you. If you have any of these indications, try this experiment.

What do you see when you visualize change, in detail?

Close your eyes. See yourself as more successful than you already are—maybe you are one more rung up the corporate ladder, or your business has a wait list of clients clamoring to hire you. Whatever you’ve been telling yourself is your next big goal, imagine you have achieved it and it’s effortless now. What do you look like? What does your workplace look like? Picture what you do during the day. Are you busy in important meetings? Traveling and giving presentations? Do you have more direct reports or people working for you? Who do you talk with and how do you interact with each other?

I assume that you will have more income. What are you doing with it? Imagine what it feels like to have more than you need to pay the bills, pay off all your debts, be able to go on more exotic vacations, pay for education, move to a bigger house, or donate more to your favorite charities—whatever you would do with the increase.

Now hear in your mind what the important people in your life are saying to you about your newfound success, whether that is your spouse, family members, clients, co-workers, bosses, or friends. Include important people from your past (your soccer coach, first wife, and brother you haven’t talked to in years). Don’t forget to “talk” to people who have died. Next, imagine what those same people are really thinking. Some of their thoughts will be the same as what they say to you, but some will be different.

If I’ve missed anything, be sure you put it into your picture. The goal is to really imagine all the aspects of your success. When you’ve spent some time getting a complete picture of this success and what it will change in your life, check out how you are feeling about it. You might expect to feel happy, excited, hopeful, even relieved, and you probably will feel some of those emotions. But if anything negative came up—like nervousness, worry, fear, heaviness, sadness, or overwhelm—some part of you is probably trying to avoid the loss of the “old” you.

Getting a negative feeling from inside yourself while visualizing your dreams coming true? Yep, you’ve got the block we’re talking about here.

Three simple steps to end the self-sabotage

One way to get around this block is to set aside time every day to do exactly what you just did. Visualize yourself as this more successful you, going through your day with all the perks of the success. You really only need to do this a few minutes at a time. But to make this work, you need to do three other things:

    • First, if negative things come into your visualization, like your boss yells at you, or you screw up and tick off your clients, or you are working too many hours, correct that part of the visualization. Visualize it again, but this time visualize the way you really want it to turn out (even if you have your boss acting out of character). After all, this is supposed to be the success you want, so see it that way.
    • Second, while visualizing, put each of your thumbs on the side of the index finger next to it and rub gently in slow circles near the base of the fingernail. This is a relaxation technique that will help you let go of the negative emotions that come up when you are visualizing your own success. This is key, since those negative emotions are the ones that are driving you to sabotage yourself when success starts to loom on the horizon.
    • Keep doing this exercise for a few minutes each day until the new you feels comfortable, and there are no more negative emotions connected to seeing yourself as successful.

We usually think that, to change how we think of ourselves, first we have to change what we do. It’s counterintuitive to think we have to change how we think of ourselves in order to change what we do, but that is exactly how you will get past this particular block.

So if you’ve discovered you have this block—you’re thinking of yourself as less successful than you want to be—it’s time to get started changing your thoughts. Until you do, it’s going to be nearly impossible to change what you are doing.

For two other ways to improve how you see yourself, check out my articles on visualizing yourself tackling things you have been avoiding and on dressing for success.