Invitation for Therapists, Caregivers, and Others Facing Burnout

You are cordially invited to join me at The Next Steps Summit, all online, on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 2024, where I will be one of more than 10 experts presenting powerful techniques and tools that therapists, caregivers, or anyone else can use to overcome burnout.

My segment is entitled “Breakthrough Blocks: Unlocking Personal Power with Nancy’s Revolutionary Tapping Techniques.”

The Next Steps Summit - Break Through Blocks - May 3rd-5th 2024

You can sign up for the Summit here. There’s no fee to register and attend the Summit. You can watch, and rewatch, any of the expert presentations (including mine) at any time while the summit is taking place.

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, and want to revitalize your life, your career, and your relationships, the Summit will help you to reconnect with yourself and unlock your potential.

In addition, if you want to get permanent access to all of the Summit sessions plus 5 mini practice videos, a guided summit workbook, transcripts, and more, you can choose the “VIP Upgrade” option when you register.

The Next Steps Summit - Nancy Linnerooth

Looking forward to seeing you there!

— Nancy

A Great Book to Celebrate International Women’s Day—and it’s mine!

Two good things happening today: It’s International Women’s Day and my new book is launching.

Yay, Women! I’m convinced that more women in leadership positions is key to improving lives worldwide. And it’s really about time for this kind of change.

My new book supports more women becoming leaders in their business, their industry, and the world. It’s Your First Year: What I Wish I’d Known: Lessons from Women Entrepreneurs for Women Entrepreneurs. (What a mouthful!)

I’m one of twenty-two contributors to this book that lets women starting a business—or who have an established business and could use the insights—know what will support them as they build and grow their businesses.

(Wish I’d known more of these best practices before I started. It would have saved me lots of mis-steps.)

It’s broken down into five sections, filled with stories and essential tips:

  • Mindset, where my chapter—Don’t Let Your Subconscious Ruin Your Business—lives,
  • Foundations, which includes issues like legal set-up and bookkeeping,
  • Marketing, sooo key to having a successful business,
  • Lifestyle, with chapters on setting boundaries to protect your time and the importance of not neglecting your body, and
  • Adversity, for when life/business/everything gets tough.

Learn more and get your own copy today at

And if you know a woman with a business, this is a great gift to support her.

Please let me know what you think of the book.

Happy Tapping!

Reclaiming Your-Self Summit Starts Sunday!

I’m dropping in to make sure you’ve heard about the Reclaim Your-Self Summit starting on Sunday.

Nithya Karia is hosting this seven-part virtual event in which she interviews eight women entrepreneurs (hey, I’m one of them!) on strategies to support different pillars of your life—like your space, your well-being at work, your family flow—to create a life that supports you.

The pillar Nithya and I cover is Reclaiming Your Power. We talk about using EFT to release your subconscious blocks (such a surprise, I know) so you can take yourself to the next level. I do a round of tapping during the interview that you can tap along with.

It starts this Sunday, February 19th, which is just two days from now, so grab your free ticket now at .

Let me know if you need any help with the registration.

Happy Tapping!

Want a Mindset Makeover? (It’s free)

I”m dropping in to make sure you’ve heard about the Mindset Makeovers I’m doing next week.

Six Degrees Society is hosting a virtual event with me for women business owners next Wednesday, September 21st, at 6 pm East Coast Time. There will be good networking, and I’ll be speaking a bit about EFT/Tapping.

I’ll also tap with as many volunteers as I can on subconscious blocks slowing down their business growth. I never know what will come up in these Mindset Makeovers, so it’s a bit of a tightrope walk for me. (Fun!)

More importantly, people who have done these with me before have gotten big changes in twenty minutes or less. It’s always fascinating to see what happens.

Nancy Linnerooth

The event is free to Six Degrees Society members, but as a first-time attendee you can also get a free ticket. Just click here, add the event to a “shopping cart”, then use the code “NANCY-LINNEROOTH” (oh look, that’s my name!).

Let me know if you need any help with the ticket.

Hope to see you there, and…

Happy Tapping!


Two Tap-Along Approaches for Stress. (And Lawyers!)

When the amazing Molly McGrath—podcast host of Hire & Empower and owner of Hiring & Empowering Solutions, a law firm management consultancy—invited me to her podcast to talk about how Tapping can help lawyers and those who work with them, I jumped on the opportunity.

Listen to the podcast

or watch and tap along with the interview:

You can also tune in to Molly’s “Hire & Empower” podcast here.

Here are some of the highlights of what Molly and I talked about.

  • Many people have subconscious blocks preventing them from asking for more money and getting more clients. Tapping can release those and other blocks you uncover.
  • Anything happening in your business or personal life can affect your company.
  • It only takes a few minutes to Tap to lower your stress and think better.
  • People feel like they can’t hire until they make more money, but hiring earlier actually opens up opportunities as well as the capacity to bring in more business and make more money.
  • People tend to internalize how hard they have to work, especially by feeling like they have to stay late and be more stressed.
  • You also get to hear a bit about my nine years as an attorney. Back in the Dark Ages. Bonus!

Molly and I did two types of Tapping for stress, which lawyers and those who work in law firms often need. Desperately.

Tap along with us. Aspirin Tapping for stress (a very simple approach) starts at 18:10. Stream-of-Consciousness style Tapping for stress (a more in-depth style) starts at 26:42 on the podcast.

Happy Tapping!


Tap Along to Release the Fear That Success Would Be Overwhelming

Micha Goebig had already founded a very successful translation business. In spite of that success, she knew she was holding herself back in her second business.

Having worked together several years earlier, we were able to identify and bring down Micha’s subconscious belief that, if she were as successful with the newer business as with her first one, she would be overwhelmed.

Watch as Nancy releases Micha’s subconscious block with EFT/Tapping.

That block went from feeling 85% powerful to less than 15% powerful in just twenty minutes. Not a bad bit of work.

A few interesting points about this session:

  • A different limiting belief underlying that fear of overwhelm was a “rule” she internalized at school that she wasn’t supposed to excel in two areas—she had to choose one.
  • Although she is obviously more than fluent in English now, it’s not Micha’s first language. So you’ll notice a difference in how powerful one subconscious block was in English versus when Micha said it in German.
  • A second block we identified but did not tap on also came down somewhat. That often happens with related subconscious blocks.

Go ahead and tap along with Micha in the video. That can actually start releasing blocks in your own subconscious, even if you don’t have the same ones we work on.

Ready to release what’s holding you back? Just reach out. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and see if Tapping is a fit.

Happy Tapping!


Watch Sara Flip “It’s Lonely at the Top” to “It’s a Party at the Top!”

Sara was triggered by the old adage “It’s lonely at the top.” And it was taking energy away from upleveling her team and the international launch of her third book (the one I’m a featured expert in).

Watch a session with someone who has already done a lot of Tapping.

Sara Connell is a published author and the owner of a seven-figure business empowering leaders to become bestselling authors and in-demand speakers.

In less than 16 minutes of Tapping, Sara—who has a lot of experience with Tapping—went from feeling triggered by “It’s lonely at the top” to being excited knowing that “It’s a party at the top!”

This is how fast change can happen with Tapping, especially for an existing client who has already done a lot of internal work.

This is the second in a series of short sessions I’ve recorded with women entrepreneurs in different fields and on different issues to share with you. In them, you get to see various ways I use Tapping to release subconscious success blocks.

Feel free to tap along with the recordings. That can be a way to release similar blocks of your own.

To explore releasing your own subconscious success blocks with me, just send me an email. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and see if there’s a fit with the Tapping I do.

Happy Tapping!


Here’s What Tapping With Me Looks Like

Have you ever wondered what an actual Tapping session with me looks like?

Watch the video to see me do some Tapping with someone who has never worked with me before.

Jill was on a money roller coaster. Her business coaching women leaders to step into their full potential was doing well, but she knew it could do better. She just had to get off the roller coaster and change the repeating pattern of having good money months followed by some slim months.

Jill had never worked with me before. She was gracious—and brave!—in agreeing to record a session so you could see what a first session with me might look like.

Together we uncovered a subconscious block that had been fueling the roller coaster she was on. Using Tapping in several different ways, we brought down her block of “I’m not good enough to be rich” from feeling 100% powerful down to 43% powerful.

I’ve recorded several short sessions like this one with women entrepreneurs in different fields and on different issues to share with you over the next weeks. In them (which you can view here), you’ll get to see me work with people new to Tapping and with people who are old pros at it. You’ll also see some of the different ways I approach and release subconscious success blocks.

In just 17 minutes.

If you want to, you can tap along with the recordings. (That can be a way to release similar blocks of your own!)

And if this looks like something you might like to try with me, just reach out. We’ll set up a time to talk about what’s going on with you and see if there’s a fit with the Tapping I do.

Happy Tapping!


It’s Launch Day—With Gifts!

It’s launch day for The Science of Getting Rich—For Women!

I’m excited to be featured as one of the experts on releasing subconscious blocks in this new book—and for this catalyst for your financial freedom and empowerment.

Last Thursday the ebook hit #1 best seller on Amazon, and it’s already making ripple effects of positive change for women around the world.

In the book you’ll hear from author Sara Connell and twenty-five other self-made women millionaires on how they went from nothing to making their millions and exactly how you can manifest your dreams and goals too.

The book launches today—Tuesday, June 14—and when you buy it on Amazon you’ll get these exclusive launch day thank you gifts from Sara:

  • A ticket to the live Zoom launch day party today (again, Tuesday June 14th). They’ll have speakers, you’ll learn new strategies and learn how to launch a best selling book.
  • A new 7 Days of Riches training, where every day for seven days you’ll get an abundance-creation process for generating more abundance ASAP. Sara is the Queen of calling in abundance!

Plus Sara is donating launch profits to United Nations Women—a wonderful cause

Here’s what you do today to get your special gifts:

  1. Click here to get The Science of Getting Rich—For Women by Sara Connell
  2. Snap a picture or screenshot of your receipt/purchase and email it to to unlock your thank you gifts to you & zoom link to the PARTY!

The pandemic cost women $800 billion globally, but we don’t have to resign ourselves to it.

Instead, we can use this setback as a setup to not only make up that lost $800 billion, but go WAY beyond it!

Start by getting this book and putting it into action.

The world needs YOU to have more abundance, so you can do more of what you love and make more of a difference!


Get The Science of Getting Rich for Women FREE today only! (I’m featured in the book)

I’m so excited to be featured as one of three experts in changing your subconscious in Sara Connell’s awesome new book, The Science of Getting Rich for Women. Today only you can get it for FREE here.

In the book, you’ll learn the actions, strategies, and mindsets of 25 self-made women millionaires and exactly how YOU get to be next.

Even better, for every free book downloaded, a donation will be made to United Nations Women to help women around the world make a needed comeback after the pandemic setback!

Even, even better, today only (June 9, 2022) during the hour starting 11:00 AM Eastern/10:00 AM Central/9:00 AM Mountain/8:00 AM Pacific, a DOUBLE donation will be given to UN Women for every book downloaded. So please share with friends and family now!

I’m FIRED UP for you to have a success breakthrough with this book and to create miracles for women around the world while you do it!

Happy Tapping!