Do you have a money block—a subconscious bit of “old programming” that gets in the way of your making, and keeping, more money?

The short answer is, if your financial situation is not where you know it could be then yes, you have a money block. (Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!)

If you want to get more specific about how your money block shows up, ask yourself:

  • Do I make less than I know I’m capable of?
  • Do I struggle to raise my rates to what others are charging, even though I’m giving as much as (or more than!) they are?
  • Does it feel like I’m on a money roller coaster, making plenty of money one month, then wondering how I’m going to pay the bills the next?
  • Does it seem like I lose any extra money as soon as I get it? [Maybe you invest it in yet another expensive program. Or an unexpected bill comes in. Or….]
  • Does it seem like I’m stuck at the same financial level, no matter what I do?

These are just some of the common ways money blocks make their presence known. 

And as long as you have a subconscious money block, it doesn’t matter how motivated you are to make more money, rein in your spending, or grow your business, you will keep holding yourself back. 

I get it. It is sooooo frustrating to have to keep doing battle with yourself, over and over again. Pouring all this energy into your business and never seeing the returns you know are within your reach! 

It doesn’t have to be this way. I’ve released all of these money blocks—and more—with clients.

So if one or more of those questions is a “yes” for you, my Money Blocks Solution is the perfect solution.

It will be starting again in the beginning of October. Just a few weeks away.

If you’re wondering if the Money Blocks Solution would be right for you, just reach out. 

Email me at We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and your money and see if there’s a fit.

Wouldn’t it be great to finally stop holding yourself back?!

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