Is Being Gifted Holding You Back?

In the last few months I’ve stumbled across the most counterintuitive cause of procrastination you can imagine. More than half my clients have this problem. It slows them down. It gets in the way of accomplishing their goals. And it has led them to think they’re stupid. Or lazy. Or both.

The cause? Growing up gifted.

Now I truly believe everyone on the planet has gifts to share with the world. I’m not talking about that here. I’m using “gifted” in the technical sense of being really bright or having a high IQ.

You would think that someone who is gifted in that way has it easy. They get a high-paying job that funds a lavish lifestyle without even trying. They just create a brilliant business that changes the world. They easily turn their dreams into reality.

You would be wrong. Those who study the gifted have found that an extremely common outcome for gifted children is that they become underachievers as adults.

If you’re curious about why that would happen watch the video to find out one reason, and what I’ve been doing with my clients to change that outcome.

And please, please, watch the video if:
• You were formally identified as gifted as a child.
• Someone like a teacher mentioned how smart you were in a subject (which may well mean you were gifted even if you weren’t great in other subjects).
• You have a parent or sibling who was very smart (which means you very likely were too, even if something else prevented you from being identified as gifted yourself).
• You have a child you know or suspect is really bright (yep, another indication that you are probably gifted, too).

The video also recommends two resources you can check out that can help you make sense of what you went through and what you can do to achieve more in your life: (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted—SENG) and (the Northwest Gifted Child Association).

The experiences of growing up gifted often lead to conscious or subconscious beliefs that cause someone to procrastinate as an adult. And no one has to keep those beliefs. They can be changed. Watch the video to find out more.

When you’re ready to stop procrastinating and create the life you are meant to live, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

Are You Paying for a Magic Pill?

Do you pay for expensive trainings, groups, or programs, then fail to follow through on what you learned? Or procrastinate so much you never even open them on your computer?

To others it can seem like you expect that just paying the money is a Magic Pill that will bring you whatever you want without your having to lift a finger. But that’s not what’s really going on.

There’s a reason that you get excited about those opportunities but then can’t bring yourself to take action. Watch the video to find out what’s really holding you back from taking advantage of those programs that could change your life, and what to do about it.

If you want to stop procrastinating once and for all and create the life you are meant to, email me. We’ll set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help.

Dismiss Your Drill Sergeant!

Most of us reach for the same tool to get ourselves to stop procrastinating.

We think that the way to get moving is to yell at ourselves. Call ourselves “lazy,” “stupid,” or other names when we don’t get enough done. Call up our inner Drill Sergeant in an effort to force ourselves to get moving.

Actually, that approach makes the procrastination worse. So what do you do?

A sweet, gentle widow I’m working with had a particularly loud, cruel Drill Sergeant.

Watch the video to find out how she learned to dismiss her Drill Sergeant and discovered how to get herself moving.

Don’t Call Yourself Lazy!

I met a woman who dreamed of creating beautiful jewelry but didn’t because she was “lazy.” Or so she said.

The truth was she was following a “rule” given to her years ago by someone else—someone who was no longer even in her life.

If you are not living the life you’re meant to yet, it’s not because you are lazy or stupid or lack motivation or don’t deserve it or any of the other negative, nasty things you’ve been telling yourself.

The reason you procrastinate, avoid taking certain actions or even sabotage your own efforts instead of going after your dreams is that, like the woman I met, you have an internal mental block that you may not even know is there.

Watch the video to find out how I know that’s true.