Use This to Find Out If the Patriarchy is Preventing Your Profitability

Do you have an old patriarchal rule getting in the way of making, keeping or managing your money?

In the video I identify several, then walk you through a way to test each one to see if it’s in your subconscious:

Women often have an outdated rule or two about money from the Patriarchy rattling around in their subconscious.

Messing with their profitability.

Pretty much any rule that has “a man” or “men” in it probably has its roots in the Patriarchy. A really common one is “I shouldn’t make more than a man.”

You might also find the Patriarchy behind any rule that contains “a woman” or “women.” Like “Women can’t handle money well.”

Then there’s my favorite, “I should be taken care of by a man.” This one has tripped up more independent, confident clients than any of us ever expected.

Now, none of these powerful women consciously agree with any of these sexist, misogynistic statements.

They reject them. Absolutely.

But there they are, hiding out in their subconscious.

Luckily, once we’ve found one we can tap and release it for good.

Ready to discover some Patriarchal Profitability rules in your own subconscious?

Here’s how I do that with my clients.

First, I come up with a list of possible subconscious rules that might be getting in a client’s way.

I have my client repeat each one and rate it on a scale of 0-100 percent for how true or powerful it feels. (0=no power to it at all; 100=it feels totally true, even though you know it’s not.)

The higher the number, the more powerfully it’s holding you back.

There are different ways to get your rating: (i) emotionally—”it feels 82% true”; (ii) physically—like a punch in the gut or heaviness in your body that “feels 75% powerful”; or (iii) if you’re like me, you just have a number pop into your head and accept that as your rating.

Okay, here we go.

Read each statement from this list of a few common patriarchal profitability blocks out loud. (That makes a difference.) Then give it a rating from 0-100 percent for how true or powerful it feels to you.

  • “I shouldn’t make more than a man”
  • “I shouldn’t make more than my father.” [You can substitute “my brother” or another male relative.]
  • “Women can’t make more than men.”
  • “Women shouldn’t make more than men.”
  • “I don’t need to make as much as a man.”
  • “No one will love me if I make too much.”
  • “I should be taken care of by a man.”
  • “Women aren’t good with numbers.”
  • “Women don’t handle money well.”
  • “Women don’t make good decisions.”
  • “I’m not good with money.”
  • “I don’t handle money well.”
  • “I don’t make good decisions.”

Anything that’s got a charge over 10% will slow your Profitability down. And the higher the number, the bigger the effect it will have on you.

So did you have any high earners? Or do you have money issues that don’t seem to match up to what I had you say here?

I’d love to know. Just reply to this email and tell me what came up for you. (I read every email personally.)

One more thing. Just because you have an old rule in your subconscious does not mean you’re stuck with it.

You can get rid of it.

Happy Tapping!


The Patriarchal Rule Preventing My Client From Hiring Was….

Are you holding your business back?

Maybe it’s due to an outdated patriarchal rule rattling around in your subconscious.

Last week I talked about how internalized patriarchal rules have been slowing down the truly amazing women in my MVP Clubs.

Today I want to go a bit deeper on how some of those patriarchal rules have shown up in the Mindset area.

Mindset (The “M” in “MVP Club”) is the ability to see yourself as a leader, a real force in the world.

Watch the video to hear about how patriarchal Mindset blocks show up:

There are a number of blocks that might get triggered when you start to see yourself as a bigger leader which often come from patriarchal rules.

These patriarchal Mindset blocks can sound like:

  • “Who am I to …” want a bigger business / think I have anything to offer / believe people should work with me.
  • “I’m not allowed to be more successful”
  • “I have to do everything myself.”

(Any of those sound familiar?!)

One of my clients was really ready to hire a bigger team. She was burning the candle at both ends trying to do all the things in her business while still spending time with her husband and caring for her young kids.

She was exhausted.

She knew she needed to hire more people to grow, not just to meet the vision she had for her business but to get some time back for herself.

So why wasn’t she?

Well, she had a ton of reasons, like:

  • “I don’t have the time to train them.”
  • “What if I have to fire a new hire and start over? I’ll lose even more time.”
  • And “Nobody can do what I do as well as I do it.”

Realizing these “reasons” were excuses, she pushed herself to hire a couple of people. But that took all the energy she had.

And it wasn’t enough.

When we went looking for the subconscious success blocks getting in the way of hiring more people, what came up was a perfect gem from the old patriarchal regime—

“I have to make everyone happy.”

This is something that girls have been taught for generations is our job.

In some ways, it was the way we gained power. Keep others happy—especially men—so we would be necessary to them and they’d want to take care of us.

It was a brilliant strategy when power dynamics left us very few options.

But now that times have changed—when we can hold decent jobs and even run our own businesses—the old expectation that we’ll keep everyone around us happy is a real burden.

Look at my client.

According to her subconscious, the more people she hired, the more people she had to keep happy.

That’s a lot of emotional work. And she already had more than enough people to keep happy, thank you very much!

So we tapped and released the block.

Within a few weeks she hired more team members and got some time back for herself.

It was that easy.

So do you find yourself reluctant to hire someone? Or do you hold your business back in another area?

Let’s talk about what’s really going on with you—whether it’s an internalized patriarchal rule or some other subconscious success block. Just hit “reply” to this email and we’ll set up a time to chat.

Until then…

Happy Tapping!


My Session with a Master Sales Coach

I have something a little different to share with you this week—an on-air coaching session with my sales mentor, the incredible Nikki Rausch (a/k/a The Sales Maven), that we recorded for her podcast.

I talk a little about my background and how my life experiences and my desire to change people’s lives for the better led me to where I am today: getting rid of people’s subconscious blocks, especially for women and women entrepreneurs.

I also talk about the origin of my MVP (Mindset, Visiblity, and Profitability) solution for getting rid of blocks and the MVP Club I host.

And all of this is part of a great 1:1 sales coaching session.

Please listen-in on our conversation:

(You can also visit the page for my episode of Nikki’s podcast here.)

You’ll hear me talk a bit about the results my clients get, different ways I work, and about the MVP Club itself—small groups of women entrepreneurs and leaders in which we release what holds them back from their bigger vision using Tapping.

Then you’ll get Nikki’s great suggestions for filling small group programs like the MVP Club.

Nikki’s podcasts—and trainings, and books, and workshops, and give-aways—are always full of useful information on ways to sell without ending up feeling covered in slime.

Instead, she teaches how to sell as a service to others, always keeping your relationships with them the priority.

When you talk with her on Zoom, or meet with her in person (I’ve done both), you experience how truly genuine Nikki is. Even when you know that she has her selling hat on, you know that you are important to her, that she cares about you as a person.

And that’s the approach she teaches.

I belong to Nikki’s Sales Maven Society and have been privately coached by her. I highly recommend working with her, or at least signing up for her weekly emails.

Just know, if you do work with Nikki I won’t get anything except the satisfaction of helping you find an amazing resource for learning to sell.

And yes, I’ll be implementing what Nikki recommended when I open my next MVP Club in the fall.

Happy Tapping!

What’s Holding Women Entrepreneurs Back More Than Men?

In working with the women in my MVP Clubs to release their subconscious blocks, I’ve been uncovering something I never expected to find in 2021.

At least not to the extent I’ve been seeing it.

Watch the video to find out more:

These are really amazing women: speakers, writers, consultants, artists, financial advisors, coaches and more. Women who are solos and women running teams. Women who keep going despite struggling financially at times and women who make multiple six figures consistently.

No matter what they are doing or where they are in their journey, they feel called to do more. Have more. Be more. Have a bigger impact.

And along the way they’ve been slowed down by their number one nemesis.


More specifically, by their subconscious.

And what’s been coming up a lot lately in our sessions has been a thread that I frankly didn’t expect to see.

At least, I didn’t expect to see it in these accomplished, intelligent, highly educated, capable and successful women.

What we’ve been uncovering is a deep strain of patriarchal rules holding them back.

Rules like:

  • “I can’t be more successful than the men in my life.”
  • “Women can’t be leaders.”
  • “I’m supposed to be taken care of by a man.”
  • “I should defer to a man.”
  • “Men make better decisions.”
  • “Men are smarter—or more effective—or better than women.”

And on and on.

Don’t get me wrong! None of these women accept any of these ideas consciously.

Consciously, we all say “F*** the Patriarchy” with conviction. (We actually have fun saying that in the group. Especially with conviction!)

Consciously we can and do reject these patriarchal ideas.

But when we go digging for the reasons someone has been holding herself back from growing her team, or raising her rates, or reaching out to that potential partner, or moving forward with the next project, up come some of these old chestnuts that most of us consciously rejected long ago.

Then we tap to neutralize them so they can’t do any more damage.

If you wonder if you might have some of those patriarchal messages rattling around in your subconscious, ask yourself:

  • What messages did you get growing up about the differences between men and women?
  • Which of those messages did you laugh about when you got older?
  • Or get mad at?
  • Or vehemently dismiss, saying “Not me. NEVER me.”

You’d be surprised at how many of those found your way into your subconscious.

Where they may be holding you back.

Here’s the trick. If they are in your subconscious, you probably still get a bit… irked when you think of them. That’s how you know they’re still there.

Really, if you react with anything other than a light-hearted chuckle, they are probably having some kind of effect on you.

Slowing you down.

Like they’d been slowing down my MVP-ers. At least, before we tapped and released them.

So I’m curious. What was the message about men and women you heard most growing up? Drop me an email to let me know!

Happy Tapping!


Did 2020 Wake You Up?

A lot of people woke up to some significant realizations about themselves and their lives during the pandemic.

Now that the world is starting to open back up, we’re in danger of going back to sleep. Going back to the way our lives used to be.

I don’t want that for you.

Watch my video to find out how to “stay awake” and create the life you want.

We had some significant time for reflection over the past 15 months or so.

Time to think about:

  • How do I really want to live?
  • What am I really called to do with my life?
  • Why am I staying small—not doing what I know I’m here to do in a much bigger way?

If nothing else, the pandemic reminded us all that life can be short.

So . . .

If you’re not doing what you’re meant to do—why not?

If you are, but you’re limiting your reach, why?

I can answer those last two questions.

If you’re not doing what you’re meant to do, there’s probably some old messages planted in your subconscious that get triggered when you think about making a big change.

Those messages can sound like—

  • “Who am I to think I can do that?”
  • I can’t make a living at that” or
  • “I don’t deserve it”

If you are doing what you’re called to do, but not having the impact you know you’re capable of, your blocks might sound like—

  • “It’s not safe to be really successful.”
  • “I’m not allowed to make more money.”
  • “That life’s for other people, not for me.”

I have released all those blocks (and a lot more) with Tapping.

Then I’ve watched those clients go out and grow their businesses, make more money, and create a much bigger impact doing what they’re meant to do.

So, did this last 15 months really wake you up to something you’re meant to do, or meant to do in a bigger way?

Don’t go back to sleep!

Start taking action.

If you find you are holding yourself back, reach out.

Some targeted Tapping can release whatever subconscious success blocks are holding you back.

Then you don’t have to fight yourself by trying to get more motivated, or using sheer willpower to make the change you want.

Instead, you can use all that energy to figure out a plan to get you where you’re meant to go, then take the steps to get there.

Please, do what you’re here to do. If you need help, I’m here.

Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


Nancy Linnerooth, EFT/Tapping Expert

How Does EFT/Tapping Work?

One of the most common questions I’m asked about EFT/Tapping is “How does it work?”

For the full answer, watch my video.

Here’s my abbreviated answer.

For a long time my answer was two-fold. First, I’d say no one really knows how it works, but I don’t care because I know it does and there’s research that shows it is effective.

Second, there was research that showed acupuncture and acupressure, which use the same points as Tapping, send a message of safety and calm to the amygdala in the brain that interrupts old connections there that trigger emotional responses.

The research has advanced since then. Now it tells us:

• Tapping leads to the downregulation of the amygdala, including a measurable lowering of the stress hormone cortisol. (Kinda the same thing I was saying in the past about that message of safety and calm, but in a more academic tone.)

• The results hold after we stop tapping because of Memory Reconsolidation, a way to permanently change the emotional component of a traumatic memory.

This explains why Tapping is a great way to release Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and phobias, but it still doesn’t exactly explain why MY tapping works.

Watch the video for my best guess on why Tapping works on success blocks like clients’ money ceilings.

When releasing subconscious success blocks, I rarely work directly with specific memories anymore. Many of these blocks come from multiple messages and years of experiences in childhood, many of which were not traumatic.

Plus, I’ve found—and created—faster Tapping techniques to effectively and permanently release success blocks than going through memories, one after the other, to get rid of all their emotional content.

So, while I believe I am using Tapping to send the message of safety and calm to the amygdala (i.e., “downregulating” it), I don’t know that I’m doing “Memory Reconsolidation” to make the changes permanent.

I’m guessing that there is some sort of Memory Reconsolidation for ideas that’s happening in the brain.

So I’m back to saying Tapping works on my clients’ subconscious success blocks. I don’t really know how, but I know that it does.

I’ll have to wait for the research to catch up to me to explain it all with hard science.

Hope that was interesting.

Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


Why Extra Money Doesn’t Stick Around

Think about the last time you had some extra money. Not just a couple bucks (or pounds or euros)—a significant amount.

What happened?

If you’re like most people, that extra money just . . . went away.

Maybe an unexpected bill came in.

Or you found some great opportunity to spend it on.

Or for some reason the next month—or two, or three—was lean, with less income than usual.

It’s not just you. This happens all the time.

But why?

Watch my video for an in-depth look at why your subconscious may be making the “extra” money just go away:

Well, the short answer is that having that extra money (i) doesn’t match how you see yourself and (ii) conflicts with your internalized, subconscious beliefs around money.

Let’s start with those subconscious beliefs, which I call “success blocks.” Some of the common success blocks you might have are:

  • A subconscious belief that rich people are bad, greedy, or evil. So your subconscious protects you from becoming one of them by getting rid of the money as fast as possible.

  • A feeling that having too much isn’t safe—because you’ll be rejected, or targeted, or it will get taken away. So, again, your subconscious protects you by making sure you don’t keep it.

  • A money ceiling—an amount that fits the lifestyle you grew up with. Even though you’re capable of bringing in more, your subconscious puts the brakes on whenever you start to make that happen.

Those are just a few of the common success blocks around money my clients come to me with. And there’s lots more.

If you’ve been through enough of those experiences where you can’t seem to hold on to extra money or sustain that level of income, you may start to see yourself consciously as unlucky.

Or no good with money.

Or a bad business person.

It’s really none of those things. It’s just that your subconscious needs to be changed.

That’s where Tapping comes in. It’s the only way I’ve found to actually change the subconscious.

First, identify and tap to release your negative success blocks around money.

Then create and internalize a new identity—a new picture of who you are with more money. Tapping can help with that, too.

(Some people will tell you that you should skip straight to changing your internalized identity around money. That can work, but if your subconscious success blocks are too strong your new picture just won’t stick. That’s why I release the old blocks first.)

Then, with the old blocks gone and the new identity internalized, you’ll start to let the money in. And keep it.

Because your subconscious will accept that higher level of income as your “new normal.”

If you’d like some help creating a new normal for your income, just reply to this email. Let’s talk about what’s going on with you and see if Tapping may be the way to let more money in for you.

Happy Tapping!


The Non-Negotiable That Totally Upgraded My Business

What are your non-negotiables? Those actions you are committed to, no matter what?

Let me tell you about one of mine that’s made a huge difference—every four weeks I take a week of CEO time.

That means no individual client sessions. No groups. No calls with potential clients.

Instead, I spend time on the big projects I can’t get to in between client calls.

This time has made a huuuuuge difference.

Now I actually get important things done that I used to keep putting off. Things that will lead to significant growth in my business. Systems that will get my time back.

There’s also time to focus on strategy, planning, and vision.

Watch the video to find out more about what a CEO Week can do for you:

When taking a week for CEO time was first suggested to me, it sounded impossible. I had to go out six weeks to be able to block off a week. Even then, I let a few non-CEO things in.

And I was only able to get myself to do it by telling myself it was just a one-time experiment.

It was amazing. I rested. I finished up projects that had been on my To Do list for months. I had creative ideas.

I got excited about my business again.

So I scheduled the next CEO Week. And the next.

Finally, I realized that my CEO Week was important not only for my sanity but also for my business. So I made it a non-negotiable.

Actually, my CEO Week got established much quicker than I thought it would. I just had to make the decision.

Today I want to inspire you to create your own standards. Your own non-negotiables.

This is your business. You are either creating it on purpose or by accident.

You create your business “on purpose” when you have non-negotiables, like setting aside CEO time.

It happens “by accident” when you allow others to carve up your schedule with their own priorities.

CEO Weeks let me create a business and life that leads to more freedom and fulfillment. That supports me so I can show up completely for my clients.

I’d like to help you create that for yourself, too. It will look different from mine, but it will be supportive and right for you.

So . . .

What do you dream of? What are the non-negotiables you want to incorporate into your business in the next 6 months.

  • CEO Week? (Or a CEO day every week?)
  • 4-day workweeks?
  • No more than 3 clients on your schedule per day?
  • Turning off the phone and computer after 5 pm and over weekends?

If you’re not already doing that, what’s getting in the way? Have you tried just making the decision and making it happen?

Tell me the non-negotiables you currently have or dream of having and what’s been getting in the way.

Until next time . . .

Happy Tapping!


The Three Internal Blocks Most Women Face

Women leaders have a lot to contend with out there in the world that male leaders don’t—cultural expectations, laws, even violence.

Those external blocks definitely have to be changed!

But what holds most women back more than anything else is their internal blocks.

The subconscious rules and beliefs they’ve internalized that have them stop themselves before they ever come up against any external block.

Have you noticed you stopping yourself?

I definitely know I’ve held myself back at times.

What I’ve found from working with many women business owners is that these internal blocks fall into three categories.

  • Mindset—how you see yourself subconsciously as a leader. Do you know you deserve to lead a great team and have your voice heard? Or do you find yourself settling for what’s “good enough?”
  • Visibility—how you show up. Do you let yourself speak and write powerfully and consistently in your networking, on stage, and on camera? Are you letting others see the real you? Or are you hiding by trying to do things the “right” way?
  • Profitability—this covers all things money. Are you making the kind of money you are capable of and your peers seem to bring in easily? Do you manage it well, or does it seem like you can never get ahead? Do you use your money to grow your impact?

(That’s why I started my MVP Club for women leaders, where we release blocks in those three areas.)

Monday was International Women’s Day.

I did a short video celebrating and talking about how we need more women leaders now, how women hold themselves back in these three areas more than men, and what to do about it.

Watch the video here.

If you have any blocks in any of those three areas, please know this.

You are here for a reason.

You are needed now more than ever.

Because no one can do what you do in the way you do it.

So if you find you are holding yourself back, pleeeeeeease find someone to release those blocks.

You know me. I’m big on using Tapping to get rid of internal blocks, but if Tapping’s not for you please find another modality that works.

You don’t have to be stuck with internal blocks holding you back.

Be the leader that the World needs you to be now.

Happy Tapping!


If Coaching Didn’t Work For You In The Past…

I love working with business owners, releasing their subconscious gunk so they can have their next breakthrough in their business.

It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do, though.

Then it took me a bit longer to figure out how to do it.

Watch the video for the whole story.

Over the course of my journey, I figured out how to help clients for whom regular coaching just wasn’t enough.

With plain-vanilla coaching, those people would still procrastinate.

Or self-sabotage.

Or take action with the wrong energy.

And that would lead to poor results, no matter how motivated they were.

(Can you relate? I know I’ve been there.)

But when we used Tapping to figure out what was getting between them and their dreams and release it, they finally started getting the results they wanted.

So cool.

I wanted to share my story in this video so you could see that, even if coaching hasn’t worked for you in the past, it doesn’t mean that you’re stuck.

Stuck repeating the same old patterns.

Over and over.


A bit of Tapping may be all you need.

It’s all my clients needed.

Happy Tapping!


Nancy Linnerooth, EFT/Tapping Expert