No matter which holidays you celebrate, the end of the year tends to stress out everyone. If that’s you, here are two videos on using Tapping for holiday stress. ‘Tis the Season!

The first video is fairly long. I go into several ways the holiday season can be stressful and how to tap for them, including:
• Overwhelm from your To Do list
• Overwhelm from money pressures of the holidays
• Stress from family relationships
• Grief over a lost loved one
• Stress caused by expectations for how it’s “supposed” to be (which I think is at the root of all the stress)
The last few minutes of the video is a tap-along where you can tap with me to release those unnecessary expectations.

If you don’t have time for the first video because you are toooooooo busy with the holidays, just tap along with the second one. It’s short and is a tap-along focused on releasing some of your overwhelm from your To Do list.

I hope you enjoy both videos. More importantly, I hope you tap along with them so you can relax and find the joy in the season.

And if you’re ready to stop procrastinating and start creating the life you’ve been dreaming of, reach out to set up a call to talk about what’s going on with you and see if I can help. Give yourself the gift of the life you’re meant to live!

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